Let me state for the record that I am BLOODY COLD.
Ok, that's that dealt with. Now, down to business. Feeling good. LOLZ.
Joking aside (I'm not actually joking, I'm freezing 🥶), I sometimes wonder if we're in too much of a rush to feel good. Hear me out.
I often hear from my clients that they know how to create good feelings for themselves. They've got the tools and they've been using them - BUT - they're not feeling good yet, and they don't know why.
And 9 times out of 10, it's because they've skipped a step. They've been in such a rush to feel good, that they haven't allowed themselves to feel bad in the first place.
They've blown right past all those negative emotions and attempted to skip straight to happiness.
Unfortunately, this makes all that emotional crap pile up behind a door in your mind, growing bigger and stinkier the more it gets ignored.
When you start to work on your happiness, it's possible to get quite intolerant of any negative emotions. You feel good most of the time, and you may see feeling 'bad' as something wrong - a failing, even.
But remember, you're a human, not a robot. And all humans are subject to normal human experiences. We all eat, sleep, fart and fall over sometimes (not necessarily in that order).
And we all experience human emotions, to a greater or lesser extent. ALL of them, even the ugly ones, like jealousy and hate. Denying them, in an attempt to be all Zen and spiritual, is a really good way to make them bigger and more powerful than they need to be.
To REALLY diminish negative emotions, to the point where you barely notice them, you first have to FEEL them and ACCEPT them.
Like, deeply accept, without judgement, that you're just a person, and you sometimes feel crap feelings. And that's ok. You're still loveable and loved.
THEN, you can release them. THEN, you get to feel good - really, genuinely good.
Does this resonate? Are you being intolerant of your negative feelings? Do you try and rush to feel good?
Try THIS MEDITATION to help with the process of feeling and releasing your negative emotions peacefully.
And then, when you've done THAT - head over to your favourite podcast platform and check out episode 2 of the podcast!
This week I'm talking about one of my favourite subjects - How to Feel Good When You Feel Bad.
See how it's all linked?
It IS possible to feel good when you feel bad - and it's also the best way to get what you really want in life.
Check out the latest episode - like, share, subscribe - and tell me what you think!
Big love,
P.S. As ever, this stuff is simple - but not necessarily easy. I'm here to help. Give me a yell - book a chat at sophieshaw.as.me/freecall