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Sophie Shaw

A woman sits in a field of flowers with a big smile on her face

I spent a lot of years not loving myself - even now it's very much a work in progress.

Like the proverbial onion, I keep pulling back another layer, and uncovering some fresh aspect of myself that needs to be loved and healed.

Most likely, it's a lifelong journey. But I tell you - I'm SO FKN GLAD I started when I did.

When I think of the years I wasted:

  • criticising myself for Every. Little. Thing.

  • being WAY harder on myself than I was on anyone else

  • needing approval from others - and feeling hurt and rejected if I didn't get it

  • struggling to make simple decisions

  • being mean to myself at any given opportunity

  • letting other people be dicks to me

  • blaming myself for things that were nothing to do with me

  • hiding away, instead of shining my light

I had to love and forgive myself for not being able to love and forgive myself - how meta.

Loving yourself starts with one simple decision - but like anything, it's a process, with different stages, each one critical to the overall success of the journey.

I've discovered that there are three vital aspects of self love, and each one needs to be mastered over time.

1. Becoming the Source

Getting compliments and praise can feel so good - but what happens if they don't come?

If your self-esteem depends on someone else being nice to you, then you will always be at the mercy of other people. You give your power away to anyone with an opinion (that's everyone, by the way!)

Instead, when you learn to be your own source of love, recognition, appreciation and praise, you begin to care less what other people say about you.

You won't need their praise, and you won't be bothered by their criticism. Total freedom!

2. Releasing Past Hurts

We've all experienced hurt, rejection and pain - some more than others. And each of those big and little traumas has left its mark on our psyche.

Over time, without a regular practice of letting go, these hurts can build up and weigh you down. You can feel them like a weight on your shoulders, on your heart, and on your mind.

When you can learn to truly release these hurts, and let them go FOR GOOD, you experience an unparalleled lightness of heart and joy of living.

Who doesn't want that?

3. Removing Resistance

The funny thing about criticisms is that, if you hear them often enough, you start to believe them. You adopt them as your own thoughts.

If you do that for long enough (most of us have been doing it for years), you'll build up enormous resistance to self-love.

This means that even if you get love, praise and acknowledgement - you'll reject it.

You deflect compliments. You're self-deprecating. You play down your successes. You're afraid of shining too bright (Tall Poppy Syndrome).

In short - you limit the amount of love you can receive - from both yourself and others.

When you recognise how you block and limit yourself, you can let go of that resistance, open the floodgates and let the love come pouring in - WHOOSH!

And actually - there is a secret fourth aspect, too:

4. Re-wiring Your Mind For Self-Love

If you consider HOW MANY TIMES you've heard negative self-talk - and HOW LONG that's been going on - you can see that there is some serious re-wiring to do.

You need to re-write all those shitty repeated messages that have lodged themselves in your subconscious, and replace them with delicious, positive, self-loving messages.

And you need to do this a LOT.

Journey To Self-Love has been specifically designed to address all these aspects, in the most delicious, healing, loving way.

❤️ You'll learn how to become your own source of love, praise and acknowledgement.

❤️ You'll learn how to let go of past hurts that have weighed you down for so long.

❤️ You'll learn exactly how you block and resist love - and you'll be able to release that resistance.

❤️ And you'll learn to re-wire your mind with frequent self-loving messages, potentially undoing years of self-criticism and rejection.

And it won't even be difficult. Emotional, maybe. But not difficult. 

Imagine the relief of putting down the boxing gloves and ending the fight with yourself.

Imagine feeling the most loving, warm hug - and being able to summon that 'being hugged' feeling whenever you want.

Mmm, bloody gorgeous.

Love, you don't need ME to tell you that you deserve this. You need YOU to tell YOU that YOU DESERVE THIS.

Isn't it time?

Journey to Self-Love is an easy-peasy self-paced audio mini-course. It includes:

  • 3 premium meditation tracks, infused with Reiki healing, music and immersive sound effects

  • 1 subliminal affirmations track to rewire your mind for self-love

  • An accompanying workbook to help you go through the course

You can go through the course however you please  - bingeing everything in a day (intense!), or going through it at your leisure.

However you use it, you'll feel immediate heart-lightening results from your very first listen.

Do this for yourself - and everyone you know will benefit too.

Big love to you, my friend. And a MASSIVE HUG THAT GOES ON FOR SLIGHTLY TOO LONG.

Sophie x

P.S. Ask yourself this - why am I resisting doing this course? And if you don't like the answer - or if you don't KNOW the answer - then click BUY NOW!


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